Wednesday, September 30, 2020

No spend September update/fail

Actually didnt saved anything , and spend more than i wanted, and had to borrow money from my savings.

From my list of things i need to buy , i just need to buy 2/3 more things that i need to buy. Need new  hair mask. Bought new shampoo and will see how it will work, my hair is very picky with shampoos! Brow gel - i liked my previous one but hopefully i'll find something cheaper without ridiculous shipping price!

Drank less/spend less on  take away coffee, actually didnt drink that much coffee at all this month. Bought 2 over priced ones but very tasty coffee's pumpkin spice latte and maple syrup latte, they were worth the price! So maybe i can treat myself once a week with more expensive and different tasting coffee than just regular one, not bad idea. 

Found good pair of jeans from Pepco for just 10 euro! That's bargain and they look good, and wasnt in that ugly blue color that cheaper jeans have, but in dark grey :)

Treated myself with candles and they were worth it, possibly will buy something from them next month again, because i like to support local business and they are good candles, and price inst that bad too! And now they have new fall scents and i really want to try them! Will see.

Had some unexpected things to come up - more dentist appointments than i was hoping for ! I still have to go more and after x rays will see if i have more cavities or not! Fingers crossed just 1, but i'm not that hopeful, cause i think my dentist suspected more cavities. 
Had to buy my expensive meds , sucks to have chronic illness but it is what it is!

Maybe next month will go better ! Still have dentist appointments but other than that maybe less other expenses! But i think i'll need to start to do Christmas shopping if i want to order something online, takes way to much time to get here and i dont want to receive something for Christmas on February like last time :D

Till next time! :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Candle haul

 Mini candle haul

So i wanted to buy new candles because i was running out, and it's finally cold enough for burning them. I recently bought 2 very cheap ones for 1 euro each, burned 1 already and other is half burned, and found i have another new one, while cleaning.

I prefer scented ones over regular ones, cause i like that the aroma fill the room and it makes it more cosy. But i'm picky with scents and i dont like very strong ones as well! May or may not found winter candle in H&M, that's on my wishlist :D

My favorite candles are from Yankee Candle but in here you cant really buy them in good selection or price. Last winter i ordered bunch of them on Amazon but i didnt liked all scents in that bunch because if you buy them separately it's more expensive. But then again buying something cheaper but not sure if i'll like them it's still waste of money!

That's why this time i decided to order something i know i'll like and support local business as well. 

I ordered them from Latvijas sveces and they ship worldwide as well and they have good selection.

I spent 23.70 together with shipping (shipping for me was 3 euros).

I'll start with 2 bigger ones , i havent burned them but their scents are amazing.

1. Mint & Watermelon - this ine i was looking forward the most - because i love all those scents! It doesnt smell like mint and watermelon :D but something fresh , something like fancy had cream but i mean that in best way! And packaging is cool! Cant wait to burn it soon.

2. Passion fruit & grapefruit -  yes please! Love it. It has zesty aroma . Grapefruit is my autumn candle scent  as we dont really have that huge autumn scent selection and cinnamon and apple is more Christmassy for me.

3. Soy wax candle  with  HEATHER, BERGAMOT AND GRAPEFRUIT scent - yes another one with grapefruit scent and i'll repurchase this one next time(probably next month :D )!

4 and 5. Lemon ice cream scented candles - Last 2 ones were soy wax lemon ice cream scented ones - i wanted 1 in different scent but they were sold out and i choose lemon one instead. But these ones were kinda little bit  disappointing- they almost didnt smell like anything or scent was so faint i couldnt smell almost anything. So for me - i wont repurchase them in this scent!

I'm already planning to buy more candles next month from this brand :)

Till next time! 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

No spend on shit i don't need September

 This month i'll have to repurchase some make up items i'm running out of but when i go to drugstore to buy 1 thing i buy something else  too :D And when i do it after i get paid , i have that i'll treat myself moment and i rarely stick to what i really need i just buy something i want.

Currently i'm running out of:
  • Concealer 
  • Setting spray
  • Mascara ( although i have 2 travel size ones, and lets be real i'm not traveling anywhere this year, and maybe i'll use them up instead!)
  • Hand cream 
  • Brow mascara 
  • Facial mist/spray (with this i'm not sure that i need both- this and setting spray!)
  • Hair color ( still havent decided if i want to color my hair or stick to just toning it. Because i love to wear orangy eye shadow and i dont think it looks good together with dusty pinkish hair color. So maybe i will stay with this blondish hair color , i dont hate it, but i'm kinda tired of it!)
  • Shampoo and hair mask 
  • Probably something else i forgot about!
It's not gonna be cheap!

Then i want to find jeans - i gained some weight and some of my high wasted skinny jeans , they fit, but they are kinda uncomfortable - i need something that is lose at stomach area , othervise i start to feel some pain from very tight outfits  and i know i'll have to have another surgery someday but i dont want it anytime soon! And i cant find jeans at trift store , there is nothing cute in my size and if there is, they are ugly!

Need to buy 3 gifts, and soon!

Want to put aside some money for Christmas, how fast time flies feels like December will be next month! I bought first Christmas gift this week :D Ok, i bought it on Aliexpress and you know how much time it takes to arrive and i dont know how it will look in real life! And i'm allowing myself to spend no more than 20 euros on Aliexpress ,  there is somethings i want  to buy, and i might do it this month!

Finally i want to buy few candles because it's finally cold enough for burning them. We dont really have autumn candles or i dont know were to buy them, but i'm not going to buy some overpriced ones somewhere online. I'm thinking to buy some made in Latvia, will see! I'll check prices and fragrances and decide.

And i have another dentist appointment this month , but hopefully last one!

These are things that i need to spend money on and i know that this feels like huge shopping list , but if i stick to that list, maybe that helps me! We will see! 

Till next time!