Thursday, January 7, 2021

Project hit the pan


 This is mine version of hit the pan project were you use up certain things before purchasing something new.

There are sales everywhere, and sometimes when I’m bored I tend to browse things online and sometimes I see things I really like, and just buy them. Not that I regret my purchases, but honestly I don’t need them, I just bought them because I was bored, and I love online shopping.

But because of that I might have way too much the same products and I can’t use them all!  I decided to do something and hopefully this will help me save money, and don’t spend on things that I already have.



I’m subscribed to Lookfantastic beauty box, and in December I had Douglas advent calendar, so I have a lot of different size skincare products, and my goal is use them up all, maybe leave few smaller ones from each category – face cream, serum, eye cream for as travel product, when we will be able to travel again (actually have travel plans in March, but I’m not sure we will be able to go!).

Honestly i don't even remember all products that i have or what are they for , and this is just part of them!


Products I want to stop buy unless I run out of them:

  • ·         Eye shadow palettes - goal is to use up at least 1. Usually I get bored of them, maybe use up few colors and then get rid of them or never really use them again. Obviously I know I’ll never use up all colors from 1 palette but at least most of them!
  • ·         All skincare samples, mini sizes. I’m not sure that I even know/remember all products that I have I need to categorize them and use them finally!
  • ·         Not makeup related – but candles are other thing that I buy. Don’t get me wrong I love to burn them, especially in winter, but I need to burn all of them before buying new ones (actually before this almost ordered new ones, because they were cheap not that I needed more!). I was lucky enough to receive a lot candles as gifts for Christmas, usually only my best friend and brother gift me candles, I never receive them from others :D Do I really need more now?!
  • ·         Read all my thrifted books – I usually buy books either online or second hand because they are cheaper and online selection is better than in stores here. Second hand books in thrift store, where I usually purchase them,  are cheaper than 1 euro and sometimes they have 50% off sale. That means if I find something I like – crime/thrillers, I’ll buy them. Sometimes I have urge to read sometimes I’m just too lazy for that. But that means they pile up just like other things on this list and takes too much space! Decided to read all of them, donate or recycle the ones I dint really like, and stop buying more of them.


The goal is to use up all things mentioned above and only then buy something new. I spend more money that I wanted this year, not that I over spend for myself on things that I don’t need or spend way too much money for Christmas gifts, I had some health related things that were expensive. As well I have to make doctor’s appointment in the beginning of January or no later than the end of February, that’s not gonna be cheap! Need money for potential travel plans, and in summer I want to restart my road to FINALLY!!!getting drivers license! Maybe this will help me to stop online shop because I’m bored and stop impulse purchases. Not gonna lie, because of emergency state in country, thanks to rules that we are not allow to purchase certain things in stores, that helps me a lot not to buy unnecessary things!


I started to carefully follow my budget this month and see on what I spend way too much money on, want to see what I can change or where I can save.


Fingers crossed it will work for me!