Saturday, February 13, 2021

Project hit the pan product list

 This year i decided not to buy new skincare related products unless i run out of some of them or use up the ones i already have!

I'm subscribed to Lookfantastic beauty box for more than year now, and i accumulated  a lot products, and i have no idea for what i was saving them for, and  just put them in  box and rarely  looked there. This year i wanted to start to save money and spend less on unnecessary   things or stop buying something unless i run out of it, because i have so many unused products but i just kept buying more.

I separated products different categories , and i'm allowed to buy something new when i run out of all products in that category.

1. category - Eye creams

Currently i'm using  Verso one, and i dont mind it. My under eyes gets very dry in winter and this definitely is not for my needs but i mixed it with oil, and that works for me.   

2. category - Serums

From this category I used up 1 (Balance me) and currently using Dr. Denniss Gross serum in morning  and Caudalie one at night. So soon i'll have to think about purchasing something new. Not gonna lie, i looked at serums online, because some i liked was on sale and i almost bought it, but decided wait and use up, and decide on what kind of serum is best for my needs. Love vitamin C serum, so when i'll use all up i might buy it, not exact brand one.

3. category - Face creams 

From these i'm currently using Fist aid beauty one at night, and Elemis one in morning, because it's a day cream (the scent of this one is so strong!). With this category i'm sorted for long time, and i'm glad for that! No need to spend money on this for now.

4. category and last one is Face masks
Nothing really to say about this category, cause i'm not using anything from here. Because if i use face mask it is for calming down my skin - acne problems. But my goal is to try and use at least one of these products!

These all are products that i have more than 2 of same product pieces, and other things like cleanser/ micellar water and different products that are not in these catagories i just have 1 product of each thinsgs i need.

Something that i'll buy soon is sunscreen, cause i dont have one (my old one i had from last summer had weird scent so i threw it out!), and my skin is prone to bad sunspots, so i really need this product! But i havent decided on one i'll buy, because thanks to Brexit , cant repurchase one i like, because i dont want to pay more on taxes cause it's quite expensive.

I'll update my progress or show new things in each category if i'll receive them in beauty box.

Till next time!

Monday, February 1, 2021

Project hit the pan January update


 It's mixed with hit the pan and no buy...

Little recap – I wanted to save money, stop buying things I don’t need and use up ones I have so they don’t go to waste!


I did save a little bit less than I wanted to(not bad but there is still some things that needs to be improved), because most of money(69% ) I spent was on food and takeaways on weekends. I’m not proud of that! That food is not good for me, and that plus my illness and meds, sitting at home, just helps me gaining more weight. So I have to work on this!


Other things – I bought pair of black jeans on sale for 12,99, hopefully they will fit, if not I’ll return them. Bought them because all my black jeans are quite worn out, are ripped and it’s too cold to wear them! I actually needed them, so fingers crossed they will fit!

Then I bought 1 book. I know I don’t need new books, but I’ll blame goodreads for it, because when I was updating my profile – was done reading 1 book, it suggested me this one . And it sounded so interesting , that I bought it. Wasn’t that expensive 5,57, but shipping, thanks to Brexit, from UK took almost month, so I haven’t started to read it, but my plan is to start today!

Bought printer color I needed to do that before, but never had or wanted to spend money in last few months for that, but finally decided to do that.


Beauty related things – My total for that is 35,82. Most expensive purchase of that was lookfantastic beauty box 15,50, it has it’s hits and misses but I’ll continue ordering it till maybe June, when we’ll have to pay taxes for all orders outside European union. Then I needed new shampoo, my hair is little annoying, I haven’t found shampoo that I actually like, and since I run out of shampoo , I’ll try new one, hopefully it will work with my fussy and damaged hair. Last purchase of that category was hair color, my hair looks awful, I haven’t color it for months, and I kinda hate how it looks, it’s ok when I toned it, but that shampoo/ toner dries out my hair even more, and if we will have to start to go to work again (honestly not sure when they will open stores, each day there is new and different/mixed info on that) I want my hair to look better. Got good deal on hair color J


Haven’t bought any skin care or make up things, and I have had no need for that! Love that for me!

While a lot of people are bitching that the stores are closed and we can’t buy all things (poor ones, never heard of online shopping!), I’m kinda happy about that, that really helps me not to buy things in spur of moment. Sometimes in my evening lunch break I  grab takeaway coffee and walk around shopping center, usually I go in some stores and look around, sometimes I find some things and if the price is good I buy them.


Things that I need to buy in February :

Need new sunscreen for face, don’t have one, haven’t decided what and where to buy one, but I want to be ready for when it will start to get sunnier.

Don’t know if I’ll repurchase Olaplex hair mask, it’s so expensive and it didn’t last that long, obviously you cant see any results after few uses but it’s very expensive. I haven’t decided on that!



Till next time!