Monday, May 3, 2021

Getting back to my no buy journey

In picture beautiful spring sunset

 Skipped few months from my no buy, because I just wanted to buy things, needed some things and sometimes I just want to splurge and treat myself. This month I want to get back on track. I bought things I needed for myself and I just don’t need to spend more money on myself. This all depends on my mood, one month I save, another month I feel like shopping, and I win and I fail, but at least I try. 


I need to make list on things I need to put money aside and set spending limit again. Soon I need to start driving school again (I had excuses before and I'm giving myself last chance to do it!) need set aside money for driving lessons, I know how expensive that is. Need to put some money towards my new phone. Not that I'm thinking about Christmas in May but it's time to start to put aside money for gifts as well and upcoming birthdays and name days. And if it will be possible to travel this year, I would like to save some money for that. I'm really looking forward to traveling when it is safe to do so (I just received my 1th dose of vaccine, so happy about that!).  These are 4 things I want to save for. 


I will still continue to buy takeaway coffee from local\close to home coffee place, but I will stop buying coffee in shopping center where I work (for a lot of reasons), and I can buy it only if it's my favorite festive coffee, because it is too expensive and not always worth it! Finally started to use my reusable coffee cup, and coffee pods regularly and that helps me save on coffee, I just need to stop being lazy.  


Other thing I need to figure out is what to do with my online purchases outside EU, because soon we will have to pay taxes and I still hope all my purchases will arrive before June 1th! Tax thing sucks, I had to pay more than 7 euros and that’s because I had to pay 9 euros for shipping and they are counting it together and that meant I had to pay taxes because of shipping. Where I'll be buying books without paying extra, because UK is not in EU anymore. 


Found my spending problem areas—— takeaway orders, it started with coupon and then I continued order more, sometimes twice a week, because don’t felt like cooking! Not making list when shopping and buying unnecessary things, because they are on sale, went to buy hair mask that costs 7 euros, spent 30 euros, that’s not ok. Of course, boredom purchases, actually thinking about blocking certain pages on my computer so I don’t have any temptations. Need to buy my regular hair color, not something cheaper, because I always dislike the way cheaper colors turn out on my hair. Then I spend more money end the end.  


Good purchases finally bought pair of sneakers that I wanted to buy but in more practical color.  Found jeans that look oversized on me, they are maybe little bit tight in my stomach area (that is my problem area, I lost some weight but not much there) but I'll keep them and that’s my motivation for less cheat days 😀 

Kicked my fizzy lemonade habit and that saves a lot money, I used to drink a lot of them, but now I allow myself no more than can of soda in a day if I want. I drink fizzy water, because still water makes me gag, but it’s less expensive. Bottle of water costs 16 cents and I just need to buy lemon for my water, and bottle of lemonade is around 1 euro or more, and even if I drink 2 bottles a day, it’s still much cheaper and better for me, I recycle plastic bottles!  


I maybe I fail but at least I try, and I haven’t overspent my limit. 


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