Thursday, May 17, 2018

Ebay labumi #42 plastic earring hooks for people with allergies to metal

For English summary scroll down below!

Man patīk nēsāt garus un interesanta dizaina auskarus, bet man ir alerģija no metāla, un visu, kas nav sudrabs, manas ausis diemžēl nepanes. Tāpēc man ir tik žēl un nedaudz skauž, ka citi var nēsāt ko vien grib un viņiem nav jāsatraucās, ka būs alerģiska reakcija. Sudraba auskari, ja būs interesantā dizainā tie noteikti būs ļoti dārgi un ne manā budžetā. 2 reizes ebay esmu atradusi apsudrabotus auskaru āķus, taču pāris pēdējās reizes gadījies tā, ka tie ir tikai sudraba krāsā. Vienu vakaru man ienāca prātā ideja, ka jāuzmeklē plastmasas auskaru āķi, jāpārbauda vai kkas tāds vispār ir pieejams. Tā es uzmeklēju pirmo lētāko variantu un pasūtīju.

Links šeit :)

Pirmie iespaidi-pārdomas:

  • Viņi nav tik slīdīgi  un lieli kā parastie metāla āķi, un tāpēc tāpēc tos ir nedaudz sarežģītāk iedabūt ausīs. Sākumā pirms iemanījos, man likās īsts čakars. Var rasties neliela diskomforta sajūta liekot viņus iekšā, jo plastmasu tā neielocīsi.
  • Vismaz es, nevaru izmantot šos āķus smagākiem auskariem - kādu laiku vilkt var, bet tad plastmasa sāk griezties ausīs, manuprāt, tas atkarīgs no auskaru smaguma. Jo tādi auskari, kas ir ļoti viegli, nesagādā nekādas problēmas.
  • Ja tiek pāri neērtajam ielikšanas procesam, tad ir tā vērts, un tagad man nav problēmu viņus ielikt.
  • Pēc ilgākas testēšanas, tagad es varu ielikt arī smagākus auskarus un tos nēsāt, pieņemu, ka sākumā vienkārši liekot iekšā pirmajā reizē sastaipīju caurumus, un tāpēc radās diskomforts.
Kopumā - noteikti iesaku tiem, kam gribas nēsāt garākus, interesantāka dizaina auskarus, bet dēļ alerģijas to nevar darīt. Nevaru sagaidīt, kad atnāks daži mani auskari no ebay, lai varu izmēģināt uzlikt šos āķus arī tiem. Pagaidām esmu sajūsmā, vienīgi slinkums mainīt āķus tāpēc pagaidām pieturos pie 2 auskaru pāriem(viens kas redzams bildē).

Lai jums jauka diena! :)


I love to wear longer earrings with interesting design but i can't do it, because i'm allergic to metal. I could buy silver earrings but if they will be in interesting design and longer they will be quite expensive. And i tried almost everything- i ordered silver plated earring hooks from ebay  - sometimes you can get lucky and they are really silver plated but most of the times you will get hooks in silver color not silver plated, so be careful read all reviews maybe you will get lucky. One evening or night before sleep i decided to look for plastic earring hooks and when i found first cheaper ones i ordered them without really thinking about it.

My first impressions (actually i started this blog post little bit more that 2-3 weeks ago, so i had enough time to test these plastic hooks):

  • They are not as slippery as regular metallic earring hooks, so first time i tried to put them in struggle was real :D because plastic is not that slippery and elastic if that makes any sense(you have to try them for yourself)
  • So i tried to wear them with heavier earrings, for first time they felt too heavy and little bit painful but maybe that was because of that i little bit stretched my earring holes. Maybe these plastic hooks are not made for very heavy earrings. But after my ears healed little bit heavier earrings doesnt bother me anymore.
  • Now i can buy all tassel earrings that i like and actually wear them without any problems :)

I really suggest these to everyone who have problems with regular metal earrings and have allergy, but only if you like to wear earrings with hooks :)

Have a nice day ! :)


  1. Buy Designer Earring Hooks to give an elegant look to your designer ear-ring. These Earring Hooks for Jewellery Making, ear hook earrings , ear wires will take the beauty of your perfectly crafted earring to a next level.
