Monday, August 31, 2020

No spend August update

 I had mid month update but i have no idea where and why blogspot lost it , i saved it but it got lost/deleted somewhere.

How my month went?

Make up wise i didnt bought anything new. I looked and maybe had some things in my basket but never completed purchase! But not gonna lie almost slipped few times. So maybe i saved little bit there.

As it goes for take away coffee, i spend 5 euros less than last month, that's not really good! And honestly i dont think i actually tried!

After looking trough all my purchases i either buy coffee or food/take away/ ready to eat. I'm lazy and yes i'll blame my shitty schedule and i dont have time or want to cook! But that's not cheap and not good for me! So i'll have to work on that next month.

The things i wanted/needed to buy:

I needed sandals for summer - i got them for less than 20 euros. Maybe they are not best looking ones, but Walkmaxx makes comfiest shoes and that's more important than something pretty that gives you the worst blisters!

I bought 2 pairs of  earphones - they wasnt  that expensive and i love them. Sound is amazing!

I didn't bought that t shirt i wanted, but maybe i'll buy it later, i still want it, i just dont need it.

As for clothes - i sticked to only buying something i need, and trifted 2 things  - awesome small hand bag and Levis jean jacket - wasnt expensive and honestly i cant find things in trift stores that i really like. Usually when i go, i come out with at least bag full of things but this month just 2 things. Checked new store and i dont know maybe in bigger cities selection is not that good?! 

So in conclusion i dint save that much, but i'm not giving up.I have plans for next month. 

Till next time :)


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