Tuesday, August 4, 2020

No spending on shit that i don't need August

I started this no buy thing months ago, just to save enough money for my upcoming trip. And that actually somewhat helped, and i didnt even spend all my money on that.

Then virus happened, and i tried to buy only necessities, just because i was unsure what will happen with my job.
But as soon as i knew everything about work will be ok,  i started to splurge on whatever i wanted and ok, most of those things i actually use and some of them i always wanted to buy, but never bought, because they were expensive and i could live without them. But some of those things i bought, just because they were on sale, or cheap, not that i really needed them.

I know that we dont know what will happen in near future, but we have trip planned for next year, and i want to save some money for that, even if i'm not sure if we were able to travel, but that is something to look forward to.
Shit sometimes happens and you need money.
And Christmas is coming, and even if we dont spend that much on Christmas gifts for each other, i still want to have budget for that.

My buying way too much takeaway coffee habit  is little bit better now, but thing that doesnt help is my work is so close to coffee shop i like, and sometimes when i take my lunch break i really crave coffee.

At least i dont spend money on clothes as much as before. Maybe sales arent that good or i started to buy only things that i really need.

I had some fails - ordered summer shoes, that supposed to be very comfortable and long lasting, and they were on sale, but sadly they give me worst blisters on places where i never had them, but they are really comfortable, but cant walk far in them. That's why one of things i want to get this month is new summer shoes, maybe they will be on sale.

Things i need to spend money on:

  • 1 birthday and 1 name day gift.
  • Sandals , cause i dont have any, and maybe i still can find something i'm looking for on sale.
  • T shirt i really wanted and it's finally restocked.
  • New  regular ear phones, because mine sucks and charges out way too fast, and drains my phone's battery!

Things i just need to stop spending money on:
  • Ready to eat food. We finally have fridge and microwave oven at work , but i'm way too lazy most of times and buy something just so i dont have to make something at home. But i have food at home. Yes sometimes i dont have time to cook after work, but not always.
  • Things i dont need but focus on what i really need!

On my next post i'll share my plan how i'll  try to achieve my plans!

Do you have any good suggestions that could help me?

Till next time! :)


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