Monday, February 10, 2020

No buy February

I'm not giving up on this!

I need to save money for upcoming trip, so I can see something in Prague. After checking prices, looks like it’s quite expensive city, but there is some things I want to see, because I never been there. We are going there on the first week of March but I’m getting paid later than that and sometimes at the end of month there is so little money on my bank account.
I don’t necessary need money for shopping because we bought cheapest plane tickets and you can’t put a lot things in hand luggage, but I need it for sightseeing and hotel, and coffee (yes I’m treating myself with Starbucks :D).

But there is still some things I need to buy and I hope I can buy just them:

  • Need new jeans – either I can’t fit in those I have, I sadly have gained weight since August (it’s combination of my not soo good food choices and meds) or they are not weather appropriate (too much holes/ripps). But I can buy them on sale!
  • I need stick or roll deodorant – can’t take my regular one. I’ll try to find cheapest one, because I don’t like that type of deodorants.
  • My concealer is running out and since I don’t have any backups, I need new one.

Last time my biggest problem was coffee and overspending on food items, just because I craved them not necessary needed them.

As it goes for food – I’ll try to take food from home when I have longer shifts, and write list of things I need to buy and focus on list. Maybe make some daily budget for food, if I’m lazy to cook after work for next day.

But with coffee I’ll have some biggest problems!
Saw that my grocery store and stores near me stopped carrying instant coffee 2 in 1, that’s without sugar. Cant drink those with sugar, they are too sweet and tastes like sugary drink not coffee. I usually buy few packets of instant coffee mix and I drink that at lunch break when I don’t want to go to coffee shop. I could mix coffee at home and then just add water at work but sometimes I want to drink it on my way to work. I don’t want to buy coffee and creamer and leave it at work. So I have to figure out this somehow.
I’ll finally use my reusable coffee cup tomorrow, better later than never!

This month I have already bought 3 coffees and spend more than 8 euros! Had very stressful week, and if I had time for lunch breaks I would spend even more than that!
As well bought some things I don’t really need because they were so cheap. Sometimes I just cant not to buy something, because I think I need it and price is so good, I need to work on that too!

These are my plans for February. Hope i wont fail!

Till next time! J


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