Wednesday, February 5, 2020

No spend January update

I kinda failed at this, at least partly, but I’m not gonna give up!

I haven't bought new makeup items all January. Little bit cheated on this, because I had name day, and as gifts I asked for few products that I was running out and really needed, so I didn’t needed to buy anything new.

But can I go to store and buy only the thing I need? Yes I can! Bought hair die and left store with 2 packs of it and nothing more, that surprised even me! :D Usually I buy more than I need, and sometimes I even forgot what I needed and bought something else instead.
It doesn’t mean I don’t want to buy new makeup things, I just tried really hard.

But not gonna lie, I’m planning to buy things I need online. Can I buy just the few things I need, not  something more, especially if I haven’t tried that product before, but that will be March problem! Because, in February I need to save money for my upcoming trip. Its just for 3 days, but its before I get paid, and I want to be able to afford to go to museums and see things in place I haven’t been before.

Have I saved money – not really!
  • ·         I had some medical expenses this month – I have chronic illness and my meds were running out and I had to buy them- sadly for me, even with my special prescription (because I have worst form of illness and I need meds daily they are little bit cheaper), but still they are very expensive.
  • ·         Bought some unnecessary things just because they were on sale and were cheap – do I really needed 3 bags for 1.99 each ?!
  • ·         Spend way too much money on food – I really need to stop overspend on this. First two weeks I really tried then I just decided it takes too much time to cook at home after long shift and why eat at home if I can buy something on my way and sleep longer.
  • ·         And coffee – I really failed!

My coffee, I’ll call it addiction, really failed me.

I’m not sure I even tried to stop buying takeaways. Maybe for week but that’s it. As right now I spend almost 53 euros for coffee. Had few free ones because I had spent so much money. I even have more than 9 euros on my coffee card , so I can get more free coffee, but I had even more than that.
Maybe 53 euros isn’t that much for you, but that’s a lot (depends where you get your coffee from, it costs less that 3 euros here, I don’t usually buy more expensive ones).
And some coffees were cheaper, because I had discount, but not anymore, because my favorite coffee shop closed! That’s sad , because coffee were very delicious!
And my reusable coffee cup is still on my desk in it’s original packaging, I’m not proud about this.

I’ll continue doing this in February as well ! I’ll update you on what and how ill try to accomplish it on next post.

Till next time!


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